Vital Oxide and the fight against the spread of Coronavirus
Vital Oxide has been authorized by HEALTH CANADA & the EPA for use against SARS-CoV-2, the Coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
We meet HEALTH CANADA & the EPA’s requirements for emerging viral pathogens showing efficacy against enveloped and non-enveloped viruses both large and small.
As health authorities and healthcare institutions worldwide are working to prevent the spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19), personal protection and surface disinfection will play critical roles.
CleanTech Innovations recently launched Vital Oxide a Health Canada authorized hospital-grade disinfectant, which is effective against other Coronaviruses, Flus, and Superbugs.
“Currently, we don’t know of any domestic product that can make direct claims against this new virus as testing is not available yet in the US or Canada. Vital Oxide™ does fit the emerging pathogen requirements for viruses showing efficacy against enveloped and non-enveloped virus both large and small.
Due to the fact that COVID-19 is in the coronavirus genus and we currently have efficacy on Feline coronavirus, Strain WSU 79-1683, ATCC VR 989** and Canine coronavirus
Strain 1-71, ATCC VR-809** we feel Vital Oxide™ will be effective against this strain as well.” states James Parker, GM of Vital Solutions.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), are issuing recommendations to help prevent the spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus COVID-19. CleanTech Innovations offers a range of disinfection related products for disinfecting surfaces, air and even the soles of shoes – which may become essential as these recommendations are implemented.
Vital Oxide is safe for humans, safe for animals and safe for aquatic life. It is non-corrosive, 100% biodegradable and it’s SDS is 0-0-0, the safest rating available.
What is Coronavirus?
According to the WHO, Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as MERS and SARS and the new Wuhan COVID-19.
Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people. Detailed investigations found that SARS was transmitted from civet cats to humans and MERS from dromedary camels to humans. Several known coronaviruses are circulating in animals that have not yet infected humans.
How Does the Virus Spread?
According to the WHO, COVID-19 is a respiratory virus which spreads primarily through contact with an infected person through respiratory droplets generated when a person, for example, coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose.
‘When people cough and sneeze, they either contaminate their hands or droplets fall on hard surfaces – people touching [these surfaces] is probably the major route as much as direct droplet spread,’ Professor Lyn Gilbert, Chair of the Infection Control Advisory Group (ICAG)
How Long Does the Virus Live on Surfaces?
According to the WHO, it is still not known how long the COVID-19 virus survives on surfaces, although Studies published in the Journal of Hospital Infection have shown that Coronaviruses can remain infectious at room temperature for on average 4-5 days, but sometimes up to 9 days.
According to the WHO (World Health Organization), if you think a surface may be infected with COVID-19, clean it with a disinfectant to kill the virus in order to protect yourself and others. ie. Vital Oxide™ a hospital grade disinfectant
How Can Vital Oxide Help?
According to the WHO (World Health Organization), if you think a surface may be infected with COVID-19, clean it with a disinfectant to kill the virus in order to protect yourself and others. Vital Oxide is a hospital-grade disinfectant that is environmentally friendly and safe for humans, animals and aquatic life.
When Vital Oxide™ is used in conjunction with one of our electrostatic sprayers, it ensures that all sides of the surfaces even unseen and hard to reach places can be disinfected.